Labels:text | screenshot OCR: Pegasus PC-Video live Video- For all PC's and any graphic card The Pegasus zucelvus tho computer picture directly from the monitor output of the graphic card. This way problems with the facture carneclor ere avoided and the Africa lonped though monitor signal remains uncharged, 24-Bit true color quality No matter which resolution or number of colors the graphic card uses, the Titles & Graphics Pegasus always works on 24-Bit intemel bass, In addition, anti-alias tilter and a video resolution according to CCIR norm provide a maximal picture quality. electrodie-deofgo Scaling feature and flicker filter With the scoling feature, it con a ways be chosun bolwein overscan and undenscan display cad all rasolutions are displayed in the correct width /hight plolion. A special licker filter avoids the flickering ol thin lines. Online working without processing time As soon as the picture appears on the computer monitor, it can be transmitted to Fading & Key the video. By simple kay funchon't is superimposed ante the live video with the fader whenever dosirod. Confortable and quick working with oven o 386 PC. Field memory for genlock compatibility The readoul clock of the Fecasus display memory may be generated by an external genlock. This way chy video source and me computer picture can be HOLLYWOOD mixed and convarted liom RGB to composite or Y-C in the ger ock. Windows control software The choice of the color to be displayed transparent or lhe optimal adjustment lo your computer are ously done by the windows control sollwart While running Trick effects the Pegasus, this sollware romains inactive and requires no riascurcus. Lossfree Video quality No holl herred compromise between short recording lime and poor video qually. The Pagesus and Electronic-Desigr Geniccks maintain The full video quality snce no data compression is nescessary enjoy your rafting tour Alpha channel Fax: 149-39 / 354 56 74 Tel (8) , 351 50 18 Fax 039 / 351 35 97 Ile nut. Pho 18 +49-89 / 354 53 03 Electronic-Design Gmbh betholdstr. 2 50035 München